Tenant collections is no joke, and is rare to find companies that will take these on a percentage basis. There are factors like locating the address, workplace, and other means of communication that are usually a little tougher with these claims. Many agencies seek the low hanging fruit, and who wouldn’t!?
People make decisions, don’t pay their rent, and sometimes it takes them years to head in the direction of good credit. On the way, they are required to take care of anything on their credit report.
Most companies are going to negotiate the up front fee per claim if you are turning over more accounts.
Documents needed to turn a tenant over to collections?
Proper/simple documentation is needed to be able to turn a tenant over to collections. You will never guess the first one, yes you got it, a lease agreement! Next you want to have a statement going over all the charges, because some of these debtors will forget they even rented from you.
“He owes $1,000 in back rent, and about $50,000 give or take a few thousand in damages.”
This is not correct, and will never be correct on this planet. Do not inflate your bill, replace your fridge on the tenants bill. If it does get to a judgement, the judge will likely look at you strange and you will be awarded less.
All damages must be substantiated by paid invoices. You can also take a before picture, get an estimate, fix it, and take an after picture with time stamps.
You can run the numbers, especially with volume or many debts; only a few collections will pay for credit reporting on all of them.
Nexum Group Inc is a collection agency that works with Apartment Complexes, Property Managers, & Individual Landlords. Add us to your Rolodex!